Some patients may produce more embryos (fertilized eggs) during in vitro fertilization (IVF) than they require. The additional embryos could be cryopreserved (frozen) in order to transplant them at a later time. These embryos, however, might not always be put to use. These patients can choose to have their embryos discarded, given to research, or given to another woman to help her conceive.
Some patients may produce more embryos (fertilized eggs) during in vitro fertilization (IVF) than they require. The additional embryos could be cryopreserved (frozen) in order to transplant them at a later time. These embryos, however, might not always be put to use. These patients can choose to have their embryos discarded, given to research, or given to another woman to help her conceive.
Embryo donation in South Africa involves the process of donating surplus embryos from infertile couples or donors for use by intended parents. The treatments include IVF and Frozen Embryo Transfer.
South Africa has strict regulations regarding embryo donation, with only licensed clinics allowed to perform the procedure. Donors remain anonymous, and recipients may have access to non-identifying information.